Author - Motivational speaker
Michael V. ivanoV
What if there was a framework that could help you HARNESS THE POWER OF YOUR PERSONAL STORY and communicate more confidently and effectively, TO CAPTIVATE YOUR AUDIENCE?
Whether you already speak on stages and want to improve your speaking and stage presence, or you have a big presentation coming up, or you want to share your message and you've always dreamed of inspiring people from the stage, this is for you!
Meet your INstructor, Michael
Let’s face it–we forget most of what we hear from a speaker or preacher within an hour after hearing them speak.
The speaker has taught us something new, made us laugh, cry, or shared a story that stuck with us all while commanding our trust and attention with their delivery.
We forget concepts and ideas, no matter how valuable they are, but we never forget stories or how someone made us feel.
Communication is primarily an art form, and should be treated as so. You can offer your audience pure gold for information from the stage and still fail to transform their thinking or actions... or even hold their attention.
But most speakers, leaders, preachers don’t think of effective communication as an art form and it sabotages their effectiveness.
That’s where I come in. I want to equip and encourage you on your journey–whether you lead weekly meetings at work, prepare weekly sermons for your church, or want to speak more clearly and powerfully from that big stage.
After thousands of hours perfecting the craft of speaking, thousands of dollars spent in trainings, and years of personal experience speaking from the stage, I have crafted and compiled a very specific way to write messages and deliver speeches that actually impact and move people to action and I can show you how to do it, too.
I will teach you how to:
Prepare an engaging 45-60 minute keynote presentation using the "Straight Line" method
Develop stage presence using voice tonality and body language
Refine your storytelling
Shatter your fears and beliefs about public speaking
BONUS: Turn your passion for speaking into a lucrative career. I'll guide you through the steps to monetize your talent.
Who is this for?:
-Anyone with a message who wants to become an effective speaker and communicator and break their fears of public speaking.
-Speakers who want to improve their stage presence and storytelling
-Leaders who speak and want to improve their presentation skills
About Michael:
From high school students to city officials, Michael has impacted thousands of people in live audiences with his message of hope and purpose. He has spoken at churches, high school assemblies, conferences, commencement ceremonies, corporate events, and government agencies. Michael is also the author of four books, "The Mount of Olives: 11 declarations to an extraordinary life," "The Traveler's Secret: Ancient proverbs for better living," "The Servant With One Talent: Five Success Principles from the Greatest Parable Ever Told." and "The Cabin at the End of the Train"
"When I was 18, I dropped my speech class in college and swore I would never speak in public again after horribly screwing up on my first presentation. Well... here I am, speaking on stages all over the country. I'll admit, it still terrifies me but I was called to it, there is work to be done!
I was born in Soviet Russia and came to the U.S from the Soviet Union when I was 2 years old. My grandfather was a WWII ‘Siege of Leningrad’ and Dachau camp survivor.
I was raised to defend the weak, protect the fatherless, respect my elders, and always contribute to my community. I wish I could say I always lived by these principles but that's just not true. I screwed up many times in life and failed to live up to these expectations, often. For years I was more interested in partying then I was in anything else and at age 25 I found myself depressed and feeling like life had no purpose.
That's what happens to us when we bury our dreams and talents. Since then I have become obsessed with pursuing my dreams and helping others do the same. I also learned that the personal choices we make, the attitudes we carry, and the principles we choose to live by, determine the success of our lives.
Now, I have dedicated my life to helping people find a better way to live by using their gifts and talents to change the world."
"I am so glad I was able to make it to the event! I was transformed by your message, I needed it, the world needs to hear it."
-Conference Attendee
"I read Michael's books before he came to speak at our conference, I've never seen a better or more inspiring speaker than Michael"
"I speak often but I've never thought to use stories the way Michael does in my speeches, I will DEFINITELY be using Michael's techniques to deliver my message!"
You have the unique opportunity to work directly with Michael, either through six Zoom sessions held weekly over a span of six weeks or in person for a full-day intensive session. These sessions will empower you to strategically plan, prepare, and ultimately excel in delivering your presentation.
Prepare an engaging 45-60 minute keynote presentation using the "Straight Line" method
Develop stage presence using voice tonality and body language
Refine your storytelling
Shatter your fears and beliefs about public speaking
BONUS: Turn your passion for speaking into a lucrative career. I'll guide you through the steps to monetize your talent.
Program fee: One-time Payment