Helping Leaders Lead
Courageously, Intentionally, & Authentically
Michael’s keynotes are interchangeable and always tailored to your event and audience needs! The presentations listed are Michael’s most requested topics but not limited to the above. Reach out to Michael’s team to check for availability.

“Helping Leaders Lead Courageously, Intentionally, & Authentically”
Michael believes leaders and teams equipped with a mindset of resilience, adaptability, and purpose can navigate any future professional and personal scenario successfully.
This keynote is the perfect blend of motivation and practicality with actionable tools to inspire your people to create transformation in their personal and professional lives using Michael's "CIA Method."
Keynote Objectives:
1. Learn how to overcome fear and insecurities to live and lead confidently and COURAGEOUSLY
2. Understand practical ways to use their words and actions
INTENTIONALLY to create transformation in themselves and others
3. Identify their unique talents, abilities, and opportunities to live and lead AUTHENTICALLY
“Harnessing The Extraordinary Power of Purpose”
Research shows that people who can identify their purpose in life live longer, have better mental and physical health, and are more engaged with their peers and colleagues. In his captivating presentation, Michael delves into the profound impact of purpose in our lives and how we can identify it. He unveils his 'Success Principles' as they appear in his best-selling novel and uses these to guide his audience through an introspective and transformative experience.
Keynote Objectives:
1. Explore the transformative power of SERVICE and GRATITUDE and understand how cultivating these cultures can enrich your life and create a ripple effect in the world around you
2. Gain deep insights into the habits, competencies and mindsets that shape the IDENTITY of extraordinary people of impact
3. Identify practical ACTION STEPS on how to embrace opportunities that change brings and be equipped with the tools to excel in an ever-transforming world.

“Learn How To Effectively Communicate From The Stage Even If You're Scared To Death”
In college, Michael dropped his speech class and swore he would never take the stage again after a humiliating presentation. But destiny had other plans and soon he was drawn to the stage once more, this time not out of duty for a school credit, but for a desire to impact and inspire people. Michael has spent countless hours training with professionals to overcome his fears and become an impactful presenter. He understands the magnetic power of storytelling and the importance of structure, body language, and presence when it comes time to capture attention and move your audience to action.
Keynote Objectives:
1. Learn the DO’s, DON’Ts, and MYTHS of public speaking and how to effectively convey your message
2. Learn how to OVERCOME YOUR FEAR of presenting, whether that’s from stage or at the customers door
3. Learn how to use your BODY LANGUAGE, your VOICE, and your STORY to effectively communicate and inspire action